Learn from these basic tips to set yourself up for success as you learn to play like a pro!

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The first thing to achieve is consistency in your stroke. If you are not able to hit where you’re aiming at, you can’t identify or correct problems in your game. Practice on a straight and smooth stroke and keep improving it.


Try to develop a pre-shot routine that ensures you have the same line up every time, presenting a consistent sight picture to your brain. Always line up your eyes with the intended cue ball path before getting down to shoot.


Don’t stop your stroke prematurely, allow the cue to follow through. This is important!


Your back swing should be slow, even on harder shots. Accelerate the cue smoothly in the forward motion.


Chalk your cue tip before every shot. Make sure you apply chalk to the outer part of the tip.


How you stand depends on your body and it will be different for everyone, but if you are right handed, your right foot should be directly below your right hand.


The angle between your upper and lower arm should be 90 degrees, when the cue tip touches the cue ball.


The bridge hand, the right shoulder and your right wrist should be in the same vertical plane throughout the stroke.


Keep your eyes focused on the object ball (not the cue ball) from the last back swing to the follow through. Don’t move too early after finishing your stroke, e.g., wait until the cue ball hits the object ball before you get out of your stance.


Try to play with well maintained equipment and get your own cue if you play regularly, it’s worth it. A good stick shouldn’t cost you more then $300, or less. You can pay more later for inlay decoration, there is no limit.


Keep your cue as level as possible, even when the cue ball is very close to the rail. An elevated cue will cause a curved cue ball path.


Avoid using side spin as a beginner. It’s easier to detect flaws in your aim or stroke without all the ‘side effects’.

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